Assembly Hall Technology Ideas

When you first arrive to assembly Hall prior to the session starting. You will hear numerous affiliates barking out their affiliate name. A rookie will have to figure out the alphabetic order, thus getting to the column they are in. Their are typically 2 sides to your affiliate seating . Some affiliates have more than 1 row. Also to make movement to other sides of seating, there are rows for this purpose and 1 was directly behind my affiliate this year.

Sure would have been nice to have something to tell me these features. Since I was 5 minutes late (elevator delays). Also I interrupted at least 4 people trying to find my column and row. On my 2nd returning from restroom the affiliate directly behind mine told me chairs in front are full on this side and there is a space the just prior to my affiliate that allowed me to come from the other side and be seated. The affiliate poles are nice and have a braille label that was a great help.

Beacons can they work?

Personally I think the only use for a beacon in the assembly would be to audio describe the hall when you first enter. This would help rookies alot. Although the barkers are quite exciting. This way you can move quickly to the column you need to go down. Placing beacons at affiliate seating would require 50+ and they may be too powerful and you would receive all 50+ affiliates simultaneous. Thus not that practical in the Assembly Hall.

QrCodes can help

QrCode can be at each entrance describing what is infront. This way you know what door to enter. Also the columns can be described as Alabama through Arizoniaread first QrCode that says "Alabama" I know the next column will have some other affiliates. Each person know that is at the top of their column.

QrCode for your affiliate can describe how many rows and if a aisle row is near. Properly done the QrCode can be read from whichever side you come from. Thus you need not come in the front of the affiliate when your seat you were at was on the other side.

Also QrCode could be used as an orientation tool, thus not encountering surprise seating since columns of seats expand and shrink.

If affiliates can update them. Special announcements and other things can be told to their affeliate members. Example: Happy birthday and our social gathering will be....

Also PAC tables and others can be labeled with a QrCode.