Job Fair Tech Ideas

Job Fair had long lines to get into the job fair. What was the hold up? Registration verification.

I stood in the line and they called out, find your registration email and show it to the registar. I knew this was going to be a huge challenge, I registered back in March for the job fair and I save them in archive or NFB. That means while standing I now had to scroll through 100's of emails in order to find this email. Also notifications and other things would reset my scrolling position. This was most definitely. If only I had known that I would need it. Listening to 100's of emails was an impossible task. Eventually they had another helper and he did a lookup for my name.

Now inside the job fair I had to find the tables that interested me. No section markers and I had to approach a table and read the braille (if I could get to the table or braille). Then when you were at the table and you found out it was not what you were looking for, you now had the embarrassment of "Oops! Wrong table".

QrCode at door sign in

A simple barcode scanner could scan a QrCode on the participants phones. This QrCode could be emailed again automatically a few days prior to the even (via simple SQL Trigger script to all registered participants). Email would say save QrCode and be ready at the job fair. This QrCode will be scanned to enter the event and tables may scan it to get your informatio.

Employer could simply scan a QrCode of an interested party, type notes about the talk, and a custom message to the participant. Participant would get the message and contact informatin sent to their inbox. So later they can perform follow ups. Instead of scanning business cards and folding corners to remember shich cards are good ones or polite cards.

QrCodes 8 feet above every table would tell me what table to avoid or talk to. Which are worth standing in line for.

Free standing QrCodes could direct me to sections of tables.

Improvements here especially would help demonstrate employers how blind can navigate and locate stuff with little to no help or embarrassing momments. Last thing employers need to see is participants pushing around or walking to walls with no tables. Sure these employers may somewhat understand, but those of us that demand to be treated as sighted peers sure would Also the noise level can affect those not accustomed to this and may affect their moods/ to reduce these displays.

We at NFB should strive to make a better and more presentable image. We should set an example on how some information can be imparted to blind and in a stylish manner. So that we can show them our full potential. Then they too can realize this and implement some of our own ideas as well.