Navigating Hallways

Navigating hallways and areas can be challenging. This is especially true on the first day or two. The noise level can be quite distracting and the barkers and volunteers are scattered around trying to help direct people and some have nver been in such a large crowd without an elbow.

Some are trying to use their tools and techniques without asking too many questions. Problem occurs when you try and locate braille on the walls. There are islands of furniture in your way to the wall and numerous others trying to find their way. Then once you make it to the wall now you have to find the plaque with the braille and others are trying to do the same. So you end up talking to many others and helping many others with what little information you have thus far.

I am a strong independent type personallity and want to do things as much as possible as I can on my own. I strongly think others feel the same way. Sure the low vision people are managing just fine. Although I think they could benefit as well from technology approaches.

Beacons could work..

Beacons/transmitters could in fact work.

Most would have to low level emitters. Placement and maintaining would be a bit. A custom app would be required as well. That is why many have relied on third parties, but this causes a challenge in itself, with turnover in staff assigned to interract these compainies. Also the effort put in by a third party may not be worthwhile, since only NFB conventions draw such large crowds and time invested in setting these up every convention and blowback, makes it not too attractive to third parties.

QrCodes technology

This techonology can work as well. But in a crowd it requires line of sight and thus camera/phone must be held over the head. The user must stop and scan with the camera, otherwise they will possibly drop their cameras and someone will step on it. Another possilbe additional solution for future consideration and in light of non-techies, is a low cost device with only the features desired running our custom app.

QrCodes can be any size, this means that you can make them any size and even duplicate them with smaller versions next to the larger versions for people that are closer to the sign.

How far?

You can place them at the end of a long hallway possible 150 feet telling you exhibit Hall this way and Independent Market place this way. Now there is less noise since those with scanners already know the answer and the barkers may find fewer people are searching for the location.

Alcove and hallways need a QrCode. Be nice to know that the 320-3338 meeting rooms are down this hallway/alcove.. We can also add calendar info for the meeting rooms for todays meetings or just current meetings.

Facillity (Restrooms & elvator) QrCodes. Be nice to know mens room right of womens restroom. Elevators behind wall in a short hallway. Escalators connecting what floors, these was especially an issue this year since you could not tell until you mounted or had to reach can dangerously out there to determine up or down.